“Faceless After Dark” is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the mysterious disappearances in a small town. The story follows Detective Laura Myers, who is assigned to investigate the case of a faceless killer who strikes only after dark. As she digs deeper, Laura discovers a web of secrets and lies that connect the townspeople in unexpected ways, leading her to question her own sanity and the true identity of the killer.
Margot Robbie as Detective Laura Myers
Jake Gyllenhaal as David Clarke
Emily Blunt as Sarah Thompson
Michael B. Jordan as Chris Johnson
Lupita Nyong’o as Dr. Evelyn Carter
Release Date: October 13, 2023
Positive Opinion:
“Faceless After Dark” is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that keeps the audience guessing until the very end. Margot Robbie delivers a powerful performance as Detective Laura Myers, bringing depth and intensity to the character. The film’s atmosphere is dark and chilling, with excellent cinematography and a haunting score that enhances the suspense. The plot twists are well-crafted, ensuring that viewers remain engaged throughout.
Negative Opinion:
Despite its strengths, “Faceless After Dark” sometimes feels overly complex, with multiple subplots that can be hard to follow. The pacing is uneven, with some parts dragging while others rush through key revelations. Additionally, while the film builds up tension effectively, the final resolution may leave some viewers unsatisfied, feeling it lacks the impact promised by the buildup.